Green Building

The basic concept was developed and brought into construction industry to stress on recycling, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Subsequently TERI along with the ministry of environment developed tropicalized India specific green building norms under the name GRIHA.

Sijcon entered into this field as early as 2006 and had a LEEDs API professional on the payroll and we have carried out numerous green building certifications and have also won prestigious gold awards from GRIHA.

Green Buildings are crucial for reducing environmental impact, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable development. They significantly lower carbon emissions, consume less energy and water, and reduce waste, contributing to a healthier environment and long-term cost savings.

Here’s how Sijcon incorporates sustainable design into their projects:-

  1. Orient the building according to nature

  2. Build with local materials

  3. Select appropriate landscaping

  4. Use material with recycled content

  5. Use water-efficient plumbing fixtures

  6. Reduce indoor air contaminants

  7. Harvest daylight

  8. Provide daylight / views for all occupants

  9. Provide areas for recycling

  10. Maintain clean construction sites

  11. Encourage non-automobile transportation

  12. Solar roof and recycle waste water

Our strategies for Green Design include:

  • For the site: Drip irrigation and reuse old pavement

  • Architecture: Formaldehyde free MDF, Low E-windows, low VOC paint, shade wall, vegetated roof and light shelves

  • Mechanical: Displacement ventilation, and natural ventilation

5 projects Gold Certified by IGBC/ GRIHA

3 projects Leed Platinum Certified